On 2014-04-08, David Lord <sn...@lordynet.org> wrote:
>> On another issue, please stop using google to send your usenet posts.
> I've never used google

Sorry, it must have been the person you were replying to. Sorry to jump
on you.

> I use nntpd?
> but I possibly don't clean up the posts I'm replying to, to your
> satisfaction :-)

One should not have to clean up posts. 

> David
>> Google adds a blank line between every line you quote even if both are
>> blank lines. This makes replies rapidly unreadable. Perhaps they remove
>> them in delivering them to you as well so you never notice the absolute
>> mess that google makes of your posts. 
>>> David
>>>> Andy Everett
>>>> TimeTools GPS-Referenced NTP Servers
>>>> http://www.timetoolsglobal.com/information/gps-ntp-network-sync-products/

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