hschu...@gmail.com wrote:
> Not working again.

Offhand you likely have a perception problem.

What makes you think its not working?

ntpq -clpe -clas -crv

In ntpq,
 Does the peers have e.g. a server with a * in front of it,
  are there maybe others with + in front of them,
  is the reach for those servers e.g. 377;
  reasonable delays, offsets, jitters?

 Does an association have e.g. reach yes for a condition sys.peer
  and last event sys_peer, and likely other candidates reachable?

 Does your client's variables have e.g. sync_ntp, leap 00,
  a stratum lower than 16,

> Actual polling rate: 256.

The polls should get longer, and shorter based on what ntp needs;
 they get longer as the systems frequency is stabilized,
  or shorter if ntp thinks it needs shorter polls,
   based on the data it has (I think mostly dispersion of a server),
    and the adjustments its recently / currently making.

> The internal system clock (windows time UTC) was only one time altered
>  between 16:00 and 21:00:
> Die Systemzeit wurde von 2014-06-04T14:12:55.993298900Z in 
> 2014-06-04T14:12:55.829000000Z geändert.
> Änderungsgrund: Die Uhrzeit wurde von einer Anwendung oder von einer 
> Systemkomponente geändert..

> The system time was 2014-06-04T14: 12:55.993298900 Z 2014-06-04T14: 
> 12:55.829000000 Z changed.
> Reason for change: The time has been changed by an application or a system 
> component ..

Whats that from?

NTP only sets the date / time once, rarely steps the time,
 and normally makes small changes to the frequency.

<http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/database/brief/arch/arch.pdf> e.g. pg 23 
Clock discipline algorithm

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