Phil W Lee wrote:
Martin Burnicki <> considered Thu, 18 Dec
2014 14:43:08 +0100 the perfect time to write: wrote:
hello all,
please help me in configuring broadcast ntp server and client.

I have configured NTP version 4.2.6 server on fedora 20 machine. server side I 
am using local system time and given a broadcast subnet and all other options 
are disabled and on client's side I enabled only broadcast client. I haven't 
given server's address as according to my understanding server should broadcast 
NTP packets and client will automatically listen NTP packets and will get sync. 
but my NTP client is not syncing with server. please help me with all 

broadcast is not the default mode of operation with ntpd. You have to
configure it explicitly both on the client *and* on the server.

Also, you need to configure symmetric keys or autokey explicitely to
prevent your client from accepting *every* NTP broadcast packet seen on
your network, or explicitly disable authentication.

In broadcast mode the client is unable to determine and compensate the
network packet delay properly, so this usually yield only less accuracy
than normal client/server mode.

If you are new to NTP you should start with the default mode of
operation, i.e. client/server mode. If you have an NTP server on your
network just add an appropriate "server" line to the client's ntp.conf
file. For example

server 111.222.333.444 iburst

if your NTP server has IP address 111.222.333.444.

Is your NTP server synchronized to some other time source? If it is not
then your NTP server will not be accepted by any real NTP client.

Unless you fudge it to give the local clock a high stratum, surely?

*If* you have the local clock configured on your NTP server.

Not really a very good idea, but could be of use in a time island
which only needs to be consistent with itself.

There are some scenarios where using the local clock with good stratum on an NTP server makes sense. However, for a beginner with NTP it should be important to know that in general a server needs to be synchronized to some source, or clients will ignore it.

Yet there hasn't been another comment from the OP.


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