On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:24:25AM +0000, David Taylor wrote:
> I fixed the problem - it seems that the physicaldiskwrite program is more
> successful than Win32DiskImager at writing the image to a CF card, so I now
> have the m0n0wall program running showing that the box works, at least.


        My usual technique for Soekrii is to use a USB Compact Flash
adapter plugged into their USB port, with the target media in it, and
use a 1-2G CF card with a standard USB install image internally.

        Their BIOS can boot off of it as long as it's internal, you
install to the drive visible via the USB adapter, and then swap the 
cards back around (don't forget to set any required boot options,
and edit fstab so it can find its partitions.)

        This is useful in environments that can't support PXE.

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