
We were looking to use an older Trimble Thunderbolt 8 channel GPS receiver for providing a Stratum 1 time reference. I realize this is discussed on the ntp.org web site but sadly, the link to Trimble to get the driver (any any ntp driver) are now all dead links.

We have it connected to a Linux host running Linux (RH 6.6) and we see the receiver. However, it is not providing any useful data to for the NTP application to use. We have used the configuration examples in the ntp.org site.

When you do a ntpq -p, you see the source but it is never used (lacking the "*" to indicate it is active as the primary reference). We do understand the Trimble Thunderbolts can not be "polled" since it is lacking any firmware that supports it.

# ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 GPS_PALISADE(0) .GPS.            0 l    -   32    0    0.000    0.000   0.000
*kona.xxxxxxx.xx  2 u   81  128  377    0.491    3.889   0.599

Is there anyone with the prior experience in getting these older Trimble units to work? Most of the information dates back to the early 2000's or so.

Our desire is to get away from using an external Internet based public NTP site to limit possible security issues.



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