Greetings, I have a need to compile 4.2.8 for windows, and I'm having some 
problems and have questions.  I have followed documents like the hints.html 
linked off

Does the source tarball on the front page of[1] actually 
compile on windows unmodified? I am perusing the list and see comments on the 
"NTP for Windows Not Branded" thread that refer to certain modifications 
required to get ntp to compile under windows, additional files or tweaks to .h 
and project files.  Are these modifications documented elsewhere or is there an 
[official] download of a patch to apply these fixes?

Also, what version of visual studio is preferred for compiling ntp lately? I've 
seen some comments that the Visual Studio 2013 may not be a complete feature 
yet, but again the comments in the "NTP for Windows Not Branded" thread 
indicate that 2013 is currently in use.  I'd kind of prefer 2008 since that's 
what I happen to have in my environment already, especially if that version of 
the build is considered more stable. 

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