On 2015-02-03 03:32, François Meyer wrote:

I have 2 stratum 1 Freebsd boxes in roughly the same configuration,
ie a network stratum 1 peer and a Cs 1PPS ; they are working
ok afaics, but both report a sys_jitter of 0.001907 that seem to be an
impasable lower limit. Does anyone have some link/explanation
regarding the mechanism behind this limit ?

What are your Cs drift rates?
What do your peerstats and loopstats show for these servers?

Below are ntpq -p and ntpq -c rv output for both machines :

saturne :

remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
oPPS(0)          .PPS.       0 l   25   64  377    0.000    0.001   0.002
+    .PPS.       1 s   31   64  377    0.366    0.042   0.040
*ntp-p1.obspm.fr .TS-4.      1 s  123   64  372   11.399    0.012   0.378

associd=0 status=0115 leap_none, sync_pps, 1 event, clock_sync,
version="ntpd 4.2.8@1.3265-o Wed Jan  7 15:31:43 UTC 2015 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/10.1-RC3", leap=00, stratum=1,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=1.375, refid=PPS,
reftime=d87b1e49.6f35f1e4  Tue, Feb  3 2015 10:15:37.434,
clock=d87b1e63.2e1257cd  Tue, Feb  3 2015 10:16:03.179, peer=5700, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=0.000750, frequency=-196.055, sys_jitter=0.001907,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, tai=35, leapsec=201507010000,
expire=201512280000, host="saturne.obs-besancon.fr", flags=0x80003,
digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption", update=201501291235,
cert="saturne.obs-besancon.fr saturne.obs-besancon.fr 0x1",

Note frequency drift is -196ppm - is this reasonable for this machine, and
is this number constantly increasing or just varying around this value?

remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
oPPS(0)          .PPS.       0 l    5   64  377    0.000   -0.001   0.002
*saturne.obs-bes .PPS.       1 s   44   64  177    0.362   -0.033   0.029
ntp-p1.obspm.fr .INIT.      16 s    - 1024    0    0.000    0.000   0.000

associd=0 status=01f8 leap_none, sync_pps, 15 events, no_sys_peer,
version="ntpd 4.2.8@1.3265-o Wed Jan 14 20:49:48 UTC 2015 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/10.1-RELEASE", leap=00, stratum=1,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=1.090, refid=PPS,
reftime=d87b1c7d.57c3637c  Tue, Feb  3 2015 10:07:57.342,
clock=d87b1c83.53a0827a  Tue, Feb  3 2015 10:08:03.326, peer=28975, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=-0.000736, frequency=-2.064, sys_jitter=0.001907,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, tai=35, leapsec=201507010000,

Note shows no_sys_peer and ntp-p1.obspm.fr stuck in INIT.

Rootdisp on both systems seems pretty high for PPS sources.
Normally there is a GPS associated with each PPS source.
What are your PPS and time sources?
Do you have local preferred sources in both configs to provide UTC?

Are both servers defined to each other as peers?
Peers can not share any sources.
Common sources cause a timing loop error which should be logged.
What do your logs show?

Could you share your configs?
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis
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