I've been looking over the documentation for the "pool" command, and
noticed that the descriptions for the "Server Pool Scheme" changed quite
a bit between v4.2.6 (
) and the "current" docs (

Looking through the ChangeLog file, I see the entry "New "pool"
directive implementation modeled on manycastclient." mentioned for
v4.2.7p22 (but other than that the only pool-related changes mentioned
seem to be fairly minor).

So, I just wanted to be sure I was correct in concluding that in back in
NTP v4.2.6 the "pool" command will pull in multiple servers (assuming
the DNS query on the host name returns than one address), but otherwise
it behaves similar to a handful of "server" lines pointing to the same
host name?

That is, in order to get repeated addition of new servers until the
"maxclock" count is reached and automatic discarding/replacing of
servers that have stopped responding (and the other helpful features
previously discussed here on this list), I would need to be running the
manycastclient-type pool implementation found in v4.2.7p22 or later?



Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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