On 2015-12-24 13:43, Leon McCalla wrote:
I have a globalsat BU-353-S4 GPS receiver that I would lie to use as a source 
for NTPd.  When looking at the messages that it produces, unlike the periodic 
messages I would expect every second, I get messages in bursts of threes 
followed by a pause. If the face of an analog clock represented a 3 second 
window I receive messages at 12,1,4,8.
One option is to use the UTC messages as an estimate to set the clock initially 
then NEVER use the gps again but this defeats the purpose of using a GPS for 
NTPd.  My alternative is to try to find some stability in the madness before 
subjecting NTPd to these seemingly unstable messages.
looking at the messages in detail, I can see that a GPGBS message is produced 
in the middle of the burst and based on wireshark messages, this single message 
appears every 3.000 seconds. While this is not every second as a traditional 
PPS message is expected, I would like to see if NTPd can work with something 
less frequent but highly stable.
how do I compile a custom driver to read NMEA messages that are not part of the 
default NMEA driver? The GPGBS message looks like this... 
PS if im going crazy for no reason and NTPd is capable of working with this 
garbage please let me know.

Uses a Sirf Star IV chipset which can send NMEA or Motorola Oncore-like binary 
Details or URLs for docs should be on the included CD.
Can be reconfigured using (probably Windows) utility, proprietary manual 
commands via a terminal comm program e.g. PuTTY, or a program which can talk to 
Oncore-like binary protocol devices.

Increasing baud rate from NMEA default 4800 to 9600 improves jitter, but USB 
devices are intended for positioning applications, not timing, as USB comms 
adds microseconds of jitter, and provides no PPS signal.

Normal timing setup is to have the device send only one NMEA GPRMC message at 
1s interval, and tweak driver fudge time1 until offset measured against other 
sources averages around zero.

If you can get it set up to behave like an Oncore-like device, you may be able 
to use the Oncore driver.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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