On 2016-10-06 17:35, brian utterback wrote:
The maximum adjustment allowed by default is 17 minutes. If you control
enough of the system's upstream servers you can set the clock to
anything you want eventually. The only question is how fast you can do it.

Default 1000s maximum step is 0:16:40.
Default maximum rate is 500ppm == 500us/s == 1s/2000s == 128ms/256s.

You can tinker with these at your peril:


Some of these have dependencies which can have drastic effects on stability of
the discipline algorithms and operation of the service: adjusting these should
constitute part of a research project into controls.
If you change one or more of these, something breaks, and you ask about it,
you will most likely be told: don't do that!

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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