On 06/06/2017 13:11, girin...@gmail.com wrote:
Some GPS will continue to deliver a PPS signal even if the lock is lost. I'm 
thinking particularly about the Garmin 18xLVC where it is clearly indicated in 
the documentation (4.4.1): 'After the initial position fix has been calculated, 
the PPS signal is generated and continues until the unit is powered down.'

With the use of that 'kind of' GPS, ntpd will continue to provide time service.

As I understand it, NTP will only continue to provide a service if it has other "time-of-day" sources available. Should the NMEA output (as the only time-of-day source) become invalid, NTP would reject it, and gradually ramp itself up to stratum-16 so as to become invalid as a server to its clients.

[1 - I'm unsure off the top of my head what NTP checks to know whether NMEA is valid or not.
2 - I wonder what the drift in the GPS 18x LVC is when unlocked?]

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