ST Intern wrote:
> Do you have any idea if Windows 10 build in ntp client supports ntpv4?
> We want to have a ntpv4 link up between the client and server.

Of course. NTPv4 is the current protocol version, and the software
package at

has been built from the latest stable version of the reference
implementation, ntp-4.2.8p10:

Anyway, NTPv4 is backward compatible with v3, and in theory even with
v2, if any application out there happens to use it.

NTP has been designed with backward compatibility in mind, so if a
client sends a request with a "v3" version code to an ntpd v4.x server
then it also gets a reply with "v3" tn the reply packet.

I know there are some other dumb NTP client implementations out there
which even put "v1" into the version code of the request packets they
send to servers, and even that ones get a valid "v1" reply from ntpd-4.x.

So it also depends on your client if you see a v4 "link" on the wire, or

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