Hi Dave, Harlan,

thank you both for your answers (and sorry for my late answer !). in the 
ntp-keygen manual this point was actually mentioned. I think I'll stick with 
generating certificates with a long lifetime but renew them regularly.

concerning the fact Autokey is no longer considered secure, I am aware of this 
(both of you mentioned it to me) but I understood there was no replacement yet 
available today so I'll stick with Autokey while waiting for a better solution, 
it is still better than nothing! :)

thanks again

Best regards


De : David L. Mills <mi...@udel.edu>
Envoyé : vendredi 29 décembre 2017 19:59
À : Stephane lasagni
Cc : questions@lists.ntp.org
Objet : Re: [ntp:questions] NTP autokey: self-signed certificate expiration 

Stephane lasagni wrote:

>I tried the NTP autokey protocol (TC scheme at first, then with IFF parameters 
>- Schnorr algorithm since it is the scheme that is the most documented). I 
>managed to get both schemes to work ok however I have noticed one problem: my 
>product is a NTP client and self-generate its auto-signed non-trusted 
>certificate as described in the protocol (using the ntp-keygen -H command). 
>However when my product starts, it always start with a default date which is 
>in 2015! Because the self-signed certificat is only valid for 1 year, it is 
>expired immediately after its generation! I need to be synchronized before I 
>generate the certificate...but then I need the certificate before to be able 
>to synchronise!
>I found a workaround but I don't think it is a very "clean" solution: I use 
>the option "-l" of ntp-keygen to specify the certificate life time duration 
>and I put a big duration value (like 40 years) just to make sure the generated 
>certificate is valid at power up. I can then make sure that I renew the 
>certificate every month or so (but everytime with a 40 years duration => I've 
>set up a cronjob to launch a script to generate the certificate at power-up 
>and then every month but this script is "fixed" so each time it is launched 
>the new generated certificate has a 40 years duration...
>I am thinking there must be a better way to deal with that! I'm probably not 
>the only one to have this time of problem! :)
>How can this type of problem be dealt with? Is there a better solution?
>thank you very much for your help!
>Best regards
>PS: I am planning to also test the "private certificate" to try to understand 
>how it works (I have sent a question about this scheme recently)
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As alternative, you can use the symmetric key scheme.  This does not
require Autokey.

The original intent of the keygen program with no argument was to
generate a certificate using the current time of the operating system.
Therefore, once you generate a proper certificate, the old certificate
lifetime is updated.

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