On 26/04/2019 21:27, jelisko...@gmail.com wrote:
I think that you are mistaken.

" The servers joining should not have pool.ntp.org as their upstream server(s), but 
should configure some good servers manually (those servers may be chosen from the pool. 
The point is that they are chosen statically instead of assigned randomly at each server 
restart " - https://www.ntppool.org/en/join.html

As I read it, that refers to pool servers themselves. Their clients, your PC, will choose between the available pool servers for best results over time if you use the pool directive.

My suggestion was to avoid very well-known servers which may well be stratum-1, but which are are so busy that they provide less accuracy than pool servers, and to get the benefit of automatic removal and replacement of dead servers.

If accuracy is /that/ critical, you should consider either adding a PPS feed to your own PC, or using a GPS/PPS device with good holdover to your network, such as:


It all depends on your requirements.
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