On 2020-09-15, David Taylor <david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> On 14/09/2020 13:45, Rob van der Putten wrote:
>> Hi there
>> On 24/08/2020 16:07, William Unruh wrote:
>> <Cut>
>>> It was renamed because UTC has nothing to do with Greenwich. For
>>> historical reasons, the time at Greenwich is the same as UTC.
>> They are not perfectly identical. The difference is however less then 
>> one second;
>> GMT is mean solar time.
>> UTC is TAI (atomic time) + leap seconds.
>> <Cut>
>> Regards,
>> Rob
> Whilst this may be true, in practice people use GMT when they mean UTC.
> BTW: GMT is mean solar time /at Greenwich/.
> What annoys me is when Raspberry Shake and others refer to "UTC time"!

Why? Repetition? Is PST time also annoying?
Universal Time Coordinate time is not really repetitious anyway, since
the noun is Coordinate. And UTC time means the type of time defined by
UTC-- since there are lots of other types of time one could use--
including decimal time ( 100 sec/min/ 100min/hr, 10hr/day)

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