Greetings to the community,

I am struggling with some issue on a ARM based embedded system using linux with 
busybox binary and ntpd for synchrosnisation. From time to time system clock is 
out of sync in that local network.

1. There is a windows box (IPv4: on the same LAN subnet which 
is synced to the outside world. The default gateway on that LAN ( 
is not the router to the outside world.
2. This is intended but I may be able to configure additional routes on the 
embedded ARM device
3. The embedded ARM system (IPv4: is synced to the windows box 
and does not have a proper LCL which is battery buffered or synced otherwise 
(GPS or DCF etc) so it drifts badly and starts up with bogus time upon boot.

The ARM system has the following ntp.conf.
------------ BEGIN paste ntp.conf
# /etc/ntp.conf - Configuration file for ntpd

## Undisciplined Local Clock. This is a fake driver intended for backup
## and when no outside source of synchronized time is available.
server              # local clock (LCL)
fudge stratum 10   # LCL is unsynchronized

## Outside source of synchronized time.
## Uncomment when needed.
# IP address of server

## Miscellaneous stuff

#driftfile /etc/ntp.drift       # path for drift file
#driftfile /run/ntp.drift
#logfile   /var/log/ntp         # alternate log file
#logfile /run/ntp.log
#logconfig =syncstatus + sysevents
 logconfig =all

# statsdir /rdisk/              # directory for statistics files
# filegen peerstats  file peerstats  type day enable
# filegen loopstats  file loopstats  type day enable
# filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

END paste ntp.conf ----------------------------------------- 

What I want to achieve is just the ARM system syncing itself to the windows 
box, that I maybe will swap out for a meinberg lantime device serving as a 
proper ntp-server in the future.

What I do not understand is is this all LCL stuff needed at all? And why is the 
servers section listing the system itself as a server? Does this make any sense 
in this configuration? To be honest I received this mess and have to figure out 
now how to get it to work. Googling gave nothing of value and the results I 
found were even sometimes controversial.

What I achieved so far:
1. ntpdate -q yields correct time and intends to step clock as 
the  offset of the embedded ARM box is approx. 1 minute now compared to the 
windows box having startum 4 - following is the output:

---- BEGIN
# ntpdate -q
server, stratum 4, offset 64.145311, delay 0.02582
18 May 13:20:07 ntpdate[9548]: step time server offset 64.145311 
---- END

2. ntpd process seems running OK on startup, with ps showing:
ntpd -g -c /tmp/ntp.conf -f /tmp/ntp.2021-05-07T13:11:54+0200.drift -l 

3. Logfile seems strange as the only output I see is dated to May 7th this year 
and I checked it today.

Please point me in the right direction, as I am out of ideas now.

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