On 17/06/2022 03:03, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
Yes, Thiebaud, USB is not good enough for PPS signals!
This is absolutely false.

If you are using it for NTP then GPS+PPS over USB is quite adequate (from 
personal experience).

Ian Lepore (RIP) who worked for Micro Semi and worked on FreeBSD did a bunch of 
tests on a PPS over USB setup and found it more than
acceptable for keeping a PC in (good) time. Here's the 

See if your motherboard has a true serial port - perhaps just as a header but 
not a back connector.  If not, just set the offset of the PPS to ~10.3 
milliseconds  (10.3 - IIRC the offsets are in milliseconds but please check). 
Plus or minus 10.3, try it and see!   Not perfect, but better than nothing.

You might find better results using that GPS/PPS with a Raspberry Pi as a 
stratum-1 server and offering that as a server on your LAN.
The next level would be something where you can do an input capture on the PPS 
I don't think there are any pre canned solutions. I made one with a Beagle Bone 
Black and a uBox GPS module but it's not exactly turn key. Or for a server then 
you would need a fancy (ie $$$$) internal card.

The Raspberry Pi does not have an input capture timer, but I believe you can do 
better with DMA hackery (I haven't tried though).

If a 125 us uncertainty in the PPS is something you can tolerate, so be it. If you are bothering with PPS then presumably you want better accuracy than can be achieved without it.

No need for DMA hackery. Standard NTP with the Raspberry Pi can handle PPS on a GPIO signal with a couple of edits to allow the PPS support already built into the kernel to be attached to the appropriate GPIO pin. Not out of the box, but very little effort required.

The Raspberry Pi can act as a server for hundreds of clients. If you mean a PC-based Windows server, that's not something I would immediately recommend, but if you must a £20 serial card may be all you need to add.

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