On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 01:32:59AM +0100, Lucas Pardue wrote:
> This entire thread started from quite an odd position of question. With one
> reading of it being there might be an expectation that all traffic should run
> over QUIC on all networks. And by extension, any measurements that don't show
> ~100% usage are some indicator of a problem. I believe that to be a fallacy. 


> Perhaps a server operator might be so kind to share the curl version
> distribution data they see.

FWIW here are the percentages we've observed on haproxy.org over June
for all versions representing at least 0.1% of the requests. Note that
this listing excludes roughly 1/3 of the requests which only advertise
"git/XXX" in the user-agent. Git normally relies on libcurl but the
version of the lib isn't advertised, so below should mostly represent
various tools and scripts:

  curl/7.81.0 79.64
  curl/7.61.1  5.88
  curl/7.68.0  5.47
  curl/7.29.0  2.00
  curl/8.5.0   1.31
  curl/7.74.0  1.01
  curl/7.88.1  0.66
  curl/8.6.0   0.54
  curl/7.76.1  0.54
  curl/8.0.1   0.39
  curl/7.64.0  0.36
  curl/8.7.1   0.30
  curl/8.8.0   0.30
  curl/8.3.0   0.28
  curl/7.54.0  0.27
  curl/7.58.0  0.24
  curl/7.47.0  0.15
  curl/8.4.0   0.13
  curl/7.79.1  0.13


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