On Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 12:24 AM Lucas Pardue <lu...@lucaspardue.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> During the standardisation of QUIC, we made a lot of use of GitHub's wiki 
> capabilities in the primary base-drafts repo that housed all drafts at that 
> time [1]. This was a community effort. Everyone had write access and the wiki 
> tracked the leading edge of development closely.
> Since the RFCs were published things have matured and stabilised. We've seen 
> several new documents get adopted and worked on in their own repos. Yet the 
> base-draft remained the spiritual centre of wiki, especially when it came to 
> listing implementations or tools. Even if they weren't updated as frequently.
> Unfortunately, last year the wiki was vandalised and needed restoration. At 
> the same time, to prevent further vandalism, we restricted access to wiki 
> edits to GitHub accounts that had certain repo privileges. However, that's 
> had the unfortunate effect of preventing useful grass roots contribution and 
> maintenance. Further investigation into this area has indicated to me that 
> the GitHub access control approach and UI for wikis is not suited to our 
> regular ways of working: issues and pull requests from anyone, merges by 
> authorised users only.
> The quicwg.org homepage is intended to be an easy-to-use hub for the QUIC WG. 
> It's also powered by GitHub [2]. It links off to the wiki for some, but not 
> all, content there.
> I'd like to propose that we migrate away from using GitHub wikis for all 
> repositories in the quicwg org, towards using the quicwg.org pages. This is 
> intended to improve the contribution and change process. It is hoped that 
> this will also improve the discoverability of content on the wiki. During any 
> migration, content will continue to reside on the wiki.
> I've already floated the idea in the QUIC slack, and the general sentiment is 
> in support of doing the migration. So I'm opening up the proposal to a 
> broader participant list. I'm especially interested if you have objections, 
> or if you have thought or ideas about how best to migrate and present the 
> content (especially if you'd like to volunteer on UI design or other related 
> matters).

I believe that my attempt at contributing a minor typo fix was the
impetus for this email. Thank you for taking my attempt to "add value"
so seriously. Because I had a hand in bringing this issue to a head, I
wanted to

1. Nod in support of a migration, and
2. Offer to help with the technical aspects of the migration.

Please let me know if/how I can help!

Thank you, again, for bringing this discussion into the open!


> Cheers
> Lucas
> [1] https://github.com/quicwg/base-drafts/wiki
> [2] https://github.com/quicwg/quicwg.github.io

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