
This was quite a productive week, interrupted quickly by my laptop
battery suddenly dropping to only 20 minutes per charge. Fortunately I
could get a new one quickly, and now got over 4 hours per charge :)

Thanks to the people who donated after me venting about my battery in
IRC - I won't name you here, but you know who you are! <3

Also I'd like your opinion on converting the config format to YAML:
https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/499 - do you like
it? Do you think it'll be worth the effort?

But now let's take a look at what happened this week:


Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 32 commits to master and 32
commits to all branches. On master, 35 files have changed and there
have been 771 additions and 170 deletions.

10 Issues closed by 1 person
3 Issues created by 2 people



- Add a new ui -> window-title-format config to configure how the
  window title should look.
- Clean up and refactoring of the save logic for config/state:
    - Only save files if modified (e.g. don't overwrite the config if
      it was edited outside of qutebrowser and nothing was changed in
    - Save things (cookies, config, quickmark) periodically all 15
      seconds (time can be changed with the
      general -> auto-save-interval option)
- Record page history to disk.
  Currently the history is only saved to
  ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/history but not used anywhere (except in
  segfault report dialogs), but that means when introducing completion
  for history somewhen in the feature we'll already have some history.


- Only resize completion when it's shown - this is probably a small
  performance improvement when resizing the window.
- Hide ad iframes completely instead of showing an error page in them.
- Don't open relative file paths with :open, only with commandline


- Fix restoring of command widget when there's an error while entering
  a command.
- Fix completion size/position issues with ui -> hide-statusbar turned
- Garbage-collect networkmanagers correctly when downloads were
  running in a tab which got closed.
- Fix statusbar quickly popping up as dedicated window on start.
- Fix segfault when opening the context menu and then closing the tab.
- Fix back/forward not working on pages where ads in iframes were
  blocked (e.g. Reddit)
- Fix for hint labels not being drawn on pages with a very high
  z-index (e.g. the top bar with search on Youtube)
- Fix for exception when a download error/cancel occurs while the
  question whether to overwrite an existing file is asked.
- Fix for exception when entering a term with spaces with
  general -> auto-search set to false.

http://www.the-compiler.org | m...@the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP)
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