Announcing the 2001 ESA Award Competitions:


ESA is now accepting grant applications for the Robert Whittaker Travel Fellowship. The application
process for the grant is described below, and the deadline is 15 May 2001. Information for
those wishing to contribute to these funds can be found at the end of this
message. 6 copies of each grant application should be mailed to:

Sharon P. Lawler
Department of Entomology
University of California
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 754-8341
FAX (530) 752-1537 (please do not fax the application copies!)

Applications for the Robert Whittaker Travel Fellowship. One to two awards
annually of $750-1500 are available to promote active collaboration and
of ideas between foreign and U.S. ecologists. Awards are given to foreign
scientists to help defray the cost of travel to the United States for research
collaboration with colleagues. Applicants must possess an earned doctorate,
reside in a foreign country, and not be a U. S. citizen. Application for the
fellowship may be made directly by the foreign ecologist or by a member of ESA
on behalf of a foreign scientist. Applicants should submit the foreign
Ęs resume and a proposal describing the purpose of the travel, the
nature of the research, travel itinerary, and travel costs. Proposals
should not
exceed four double-spaced pages for all materials.

REQUEST FOR FUNDS: Robert Whittaker Travel Fellowship. This fund was
in 1984. Currently, an endowment has accrued that is sufficient to fund one to
two awards annually of $750-1500. We solicit further donations so that more and
larger awards may be given. The purpose of the award is to help defray the cost
of travel by foreign scientists to the United States for research collaboration
with colleagues. Award winners may present a paper at the ESA Annual
Meeting but
this is not the sole purpose of the award.

Donations for either fund can be sent at any time by mail to the Executive
Director, Ecological Society of America, 1707 H Street, NW, Suite 400,
Washington, DC 20006, or the contributor may specify a donation at the time of
payment of annual ESA dues.

Sandra Arango
Department of Biology
University of Missouri-St.Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121
Tel. (314) 5166200
Fax.(314) 5166233

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