Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:23:29 +0200
7th International Conference on
Public Communication of Science and Technology

Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7 December 2002

First Announcement

The 7th International Conference on Public Communication of Science and
Technology will be held 5-7 December 2002 in Cape Town, South Africa.

The meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for intensive interaction
between science
communicators and science communication researchers from around the globe.
The conference will emphasize sharing of experiences, ideas, and best
practices between developed and developing countries. A special
pre-conference safari tour will offer an opportunity to view a total eclipse
of the sun.

Detailed themes for the meeting will be announced in October 2001.  In
general, the organizing committee seeks papers and panels in areas such as
public communication of science for culturally diverse communities; regional
development, education, and public communication of science and technology;
science and the media; museums, interactive learning, and outreach;
relationships between public communication and commercialization of science;
reaching difficult audiences (ranging from those with low literacy, such as
rural audiences in developing countries, to those with information overload,
such as politicians); evaluating science communication programs; and
networks for public communication of science and technology.  Other topics
may be appropriate as well.  Proposals will be accepted for individual
papers, posters, panel and roundtable discussions, workshops, and other
session formats.

You are invited to submit an abstract (preferably in electronic format) via
the PCST Network website at or by e-mail directly to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Alternatively, you may fax or mail an abstract to
Marina Joubert, PCST7 Conference Chair, c/o FEST, PO Box 1758, Pretoria
0001, South Africa, fax +27-12-320-7803.  The deadline for submission of
abstracts is 15 March 2002.  Additional information about proposal formats
will be announced in October 2001.

The PCST conference is the main networking event of the International
Network on Public Communication of Science and Technology, a global
community of people committed to developing research and practice in this
fast-developing field.  The PCST Network's scientific committee identified
on the network's website ( is responsible for the
conference content.  The meeting will be organized by the Foundation for
Education, Science and Technology (FEST), with primary sponsorship from
South Africa's Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST).

The conference will be held on the campus of the University of Cape Town, on
the slopes of Table Mountain, with major environmental and eco-tourism
destinations within easy reach.  The program committee will endeavor to
provide response to abstract submissions by early June 2002, to allow
delegates sufficient time to plan their travel to South Africa.

Unique eclipse safari

Among the supplementary tours planned for the meeting is a unique, specially
arranged three-day visit to South Africa's Kruger National Park, culminating
in an ideal setting for the observation of a total solar eclipse on the
morning of 4 December 2002.  Due to very limited availability on this
special eclipse and game viewing safari, it is essential to respond with
expressions of interest as soon as possible to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More detail will be forwarded to you at that time.

The provisional program, as well as details about registration,
accommodation, and additional tour options, will be available and sent to
registrants by June 2002.

Marina Joubert
Science communication research and strategy
Foundation for Education, Science and Technology (FEST)
Telephone: +27 12 322-6404
Telefax: +27 12 320-7803
Cell: 083-409-4254
Read more about FEST at

Ligia Parra-Esteban
Fundacion VOC de Investigacion de la Comunicacion Entre Cientificos.
Apartado Aereo 86745  Bogota.  Colombia.
Telefono (+) 571-6242075 Fax (+) 571-6139654 Zona Postal 1102
Secretario Junta Directiva
Luis H. Blanco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Laboratorio de Investigaciones Basicas.
Bloque 9 Ciudad Universitaria.  Unidad Camilo Torres.

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