
El mensaje de abajo muestra que los britanicos estan 
ahora dispuestos a invertir dinero en un tema en el cual 
no se ha invertido antes ni mucho dinero ni muchos 
esfuerzos. Ligia
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 17:36:42 +0100
Subject: [evol-psych] European initiative on human origins and language

The following announcement was made a few days ago by the 
Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) in Britain.  It 
is relevant to those looking for funding for research into 
human origins or language origins, particularly in Europe 
and most particularly in Britain.  See the enclosed URL 
for information about the European Science Foundation's initiative, 
which is to be supported by the AHRB.

5th July 2001


Arts and humanities researchers will now be able to benefit from funding
from the European Science Foundation (ESF), thanks to the Arts and
Humanities Research Board (AHRB).

As part of its strategy to develop research collaborations between U.K.
and European researchers, the Arts and Humanities Research Board will
support the European Science Foundation's EUROCORES scheme on 'The
Origin of Man, Language and Languages'. Although the British Academy
had been consulted over the development of the programme, no major U.K.
funder had committed to the programme. The AHRB's financial support will 
mean that U.K. applications falling within the arts and humanities can be 

This is the first EUROCORES initiative, and it has attracted over a
hundred applications from across Europe. The focus is on interdisciplinary
research and interest from UK-based researchers has been considerable.

"We are delighted to be able to support this programme," said Professor
David Eastwood, Chief Executive of the AHRB. "This EUROCORES initiative
promises to fund research of the highest quality as well as building
interdisciplinary research collaborations."

An international panel of peer reviewers will consider applications, and
highly graded applications involving UK-based researchers will be
considered by the AHRB's research committee. Successful projects will be 
funded for three years. "This demonstrates the AHRB's commitment to 
enhancing the research base of the U.K. and building innovative 
collaborators within the European research area," commented Professor 
Eastwood. 'We have already promoted the case of the Arts and Humanities in 
the context of Framework Programme VI, and we will build still closer links 
with the European Science Foundation."

Details of the EUROCORES scheme and the 'Origin of Man, Language and
Languages' initiative can be found at:



For further press information, please contact Angela Murphy, Director of
Corporate Communications, on tel: 0117 931 7444, email:

Larry Trask
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH


Tel: (01273)-678693 (from UK); +44-1273-678693 (from abroad)
Fax: (01273)-671320 (from UK); +44-1273-671320 (from abroad)

Ligia Parra-Esteban
Fundacion VOC de Investigacion de la Comunicacion Entre Cientificos.
Apartado Aereo 86745  Bogota.  Colombia.
Telefono (+) 571-6242075 Fax (+) 571-6139654 Zona Postal 1102
Secretario Junta Directiva
Luis H. Blanco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Laboratorio de Investigaciones Basicas.
Bloque 9 Ciudad Universitaria.  Unidad Camilo Torres.

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