Hola estimados Caldesianos:
En relacion al comentario de Pand2001, quisiera agregar que asta el momento 
aun la identidad de los terroristas no esta muy clara. Se han establecidos 
algunos culpables pero el FBI a aceptado que se an cometido equivocaciones, 
o sea no hay nada concreto, Ademas los terroristas no dejaron un papel o 
carta donde se atribuian el ataque, ni siquiera aun estamos ciertos de sus 
nacionalidades, religiones etc etc. Claro hay que buscar un chivo 
espiatorio. Pero desde otro punto de vista podiamos verlo mas bien como el 
resulatado dela  arogancia gringa de creer que por tener dominio dela 
tecnologia podian controlar al ser humanao? que su vision de el cine 
proyectando al terrorista como el barbudo etc era y estav totalemente 
equivocada. Que tal vez su ciencia buscando proyectos como el descubrir 
seres humanos en las galaxias cercanas no le ha permitido encontrar aun Bin 
Landen andando en burro enlas montana de Afganistan?
Es el resultado dela arogancia, no mas caldesianos no olviden el incidente 
dela pobre senora Colombiana en un vuelo de American que la ultrajaron solo 

>Reply-To: "PANG2001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "r-caldas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "ColExt" 
>Subject: r-caldas: L@s mesm@s con l@s mesm@s
>Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 13:06:55 -0500
>Un@s pa'cá y otr@s pa'llá...  Como quien dice, "L@s mesm@s con l@s
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]"    Uséase l@s "u somos u semos" versus l@s "ni somos ni 
>PANG========Nada Nuevo Bajo el Sol=========
>Move for understanding divides US academics  EducationGuardian.co.uk
>Staff and agencies  Tuesday October 2, 2001
>A row has broken out in America about whether students need to understand
>the people who committed the recent terrorist attacks.
>Since the attacks on New York and Washington on September 11, academics and
>teachers around the US have emphasised the need to understand foreign
>Some academics, however, maintain multiculturalism has gone too far.
>The concern is that loyalty in US campuses and schools could be split in 
>event of war, as happened during Vietnam.
>At the centre of the debate is a Yale University history professor, Paul
>Kennedy, who, in a recent lecture, asked listeners to put themselves in the
>place of Palestinians celebrating the terrorist attacks.
>Most contentiously in the current climate, he went on to say American
>military, economic and diplomatic might and offensive cultural messages
>understandably provoked hatred.
>Donald Kagan, a classics professor at the same university, objected last
>week, saying Professor Kennedy and his colleagues had descended into a
>"blame the victim" mentality.
>Elsewhere, some academics have added pacifist writers to their reading
>lists. One at Notre Dame has added more material about Islamic religious
>doctrine and one at New York University has been lecturing on the 
>treatment of Osama bin Laden.
>At US high schools, social studies, history and foreign language classes 
>all coming under pressures.
>Increasingly xenophobic anger against Islamic cultures is being challenged
>by those arguing that students need to know why the attacks took place,
>according to an article in yesterdayês Washington Post.
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