source - Robert Weissman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How Wall Street Created a Nation

By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Oviodio Diaz Espino was working as a corporate lawyer at J.P. Morgan
in New York when he went to a Christmas Party in 1997. At the party,
Diaz met a movie producer, Webster Stone.  Stone noticed Diaz had
a foreign accent and asked him where he was from. Diaz said Panama.

Stone asked Diaz who he worked for. Diaz said J.P. Morgan.

Stone excitedly threw his arms in the air and said -- "Oh my God
-- you are the man I've been looking for!"

"Did you know that J.P. Morgan was the treasurer of Panama during
its first year of existence?."

"Are you aware that the Republic of Panama was created in Suite
1162 of the Waldorf Astoria?"

Diaz was not, and was intrigued. Stone had been working on a script
for Robert Redford about how a group of Wall Street movers and
shakers created Panama.

Garry Trudeau was writing the script. The movie project was eventually
dropped (too many villains, no heroes), but Stone turned over his
files to an amazed Diaz, who dropped everything and began investigating.

Diaz spent two years with his head buried in records at the New
York Public Library, searching to confirm Stone's allegation that
his country was created by Wall Street.

And confirm it he did. Diaz lays out the story in a new book, How
Wall Street Created a Nation: J.P. Morgan, Teddy Roosevelt and the
Panama Canal (Four Walls Eight Windows, 2001).

Diaz's story is about a corporate hijacking of U.S. foreign policy,
about how corporate interests and government interests become so
entwined that you can't tell the difference.

In a nutshell, this is what Diaz found:

In 1900, a group of investors led by William Nelson Cromwell, the
founder of the "prestigious" New York law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell,
and the banker J.P. Morgan, created a secret syndicate of Wall
Street financiers and politicians to buy the shares of the bankrupt
French Panama Canal Company, which owned the right to build the
Panama Canal, from thousands of small shareholders throughout
Europe. They invested about $3.5 million and gained control of the

The covert investors then spent the next three years getting the
United States government to buy the holdings for $40 million, the
payment of which would flow back to them. In order to do this, they
first had to defeat an entrenched Nicaragua lobby. Nicaragua was
the preferred route for the canal because of its two big lakes,
and also because the French had already tried to build a canal in
Panama but had failed miserably.

And the U.S. was already on its way to building the canal in
Nicaragua. The House of Representatives unanimously passed a
Nicaragua canal bill, a treaty was signed with Nicaragua, President
McKinley had already signed the bill, and the excavation had already
began in Nicaragua. It was a done deal -- until Cromwell arrived
on Capitol Hill and began throwing money around.

Senator Mark "Dollar" Hanna, who was at that time the chair of the
Republican Party and probably the most powerful man in America,
received $60,000, at the time the largest donation to any politician.

In return, Hanna began a campaign to build the canal in Panama
instead. U.S. policy was reversed, and in 1902, Congress decided
that the Canal was to go through Panama.

Only one problem -- Panama was at the time a province of Colombia,
and the United States needed Colombia's approval to move ahead.
Teddy Roosevelt sent Cromwell, who stood to benefit financially
from the deal, to negotiate with Colombia. Colombia balked, demanding
more money. Cromwell decided to circumvent Colombia, and to instead
get Panama to secede and create its own country -- which it did.

"What is shocking about this part of the story is that Wall Street
planned, financed and executed the entire independence of Panama,"

Diaz says. In effect, Cromwell and J.P. Morgan hired Panama's
Jefferson and Washington, a tale of intrigue that Diaz documents.

Panama was declared a nation, Cromwell negotiated a canal treaty
with his cronies, and made off with millions. (Or as Senator Samuel
Hayakawa put it years later, "we stole it, fair and square.")

Last week, we called up a Sullivan & Cromwell managing partner here
in Washington and asked if the law firm had any reaction to the
allegations that the firm's founding father had engaged in such

The partner says, "Well, David McCullough wrote a book about the
Panama Canal (The Path Between the Seas) -- take a look at it."

Diaz says, "McCullough does not dedicate one page to the question
about the secret conspiracy and speculation by the Wall Street

The Sullivan & Cromwell partner also asked us, "What is the relevance
of this story 100 years later?" We put the question to Diaz.

"I want people to know a chapter in world history that brought down
a French republic, a Colombian government, created a new republic,
shook the political foundations in Washington with corruption and
gave birth to American imperialism in Latin America," Diaz says.

"It was one of the biggest scams in history. And I believe that
alone is worth knowing about."

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate
Crime Reporter. Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington,
D.C.-based Multinational Monitor. They are co-authors of Corporate
Predators: The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy
(Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1999;

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