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Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:00:11 -0800
To: "Colombian@uclink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Visiting Colombianist Scholar sought by UC Berkeley

Dear Colombia Section members,

Below please find a message from the Colombian Working Group at UC 
Berkeley. I've participated in some of their activities and can vouch 
for them -- they are serious organizers with lots of energy and good 
ideas.  Please contact the people mentioned below with questions.

Leah Carroll

Dear all,

The Colombia Working Group at Berkeley would like to extend an 
invitation to a professor or lecturer to come to the University of 
California at Berkeley to lead a seminar or lecture series on 
Colombia, preferably on current issues.  Due to the recent 
cancellation of two professors, this opportunity is available for 
this coming Spring semester and there is great flexibility in the way 
the course can be designed; we could even consider a four- or 
eight-week series instead of a semester long course. 

In Spring 2001, the Colombia Working Group organized a conference in 
Berkeley called "Colombia in Context", sponsored by the Center for 
Latin American Studies. Over 350 people attended this conference. 
Speakers included Catherine LeGrand, Eduardo Pizarro, Ana Maria 
Bejarano, Bruce Bagley, Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, Roberto Steiner, 
Mauricio Cardenas and Andrew Miller (for more information on the 
conference please visit the site at: 

As a result of this conference, the International and Area Studies 
Program provided the possibility for us to bring a "colombianista" as 
a visiting professor/scholar for a semester.  We understand  it is 
extremely late to be extending this invitation, but the circumstances 
force us to provide such a short notice.   However, if you decide to 
take on this opportunity, you would enjoy a vibrant and beautiful 
campus, the interest of many undergraduate and graduate students who 
have no other options in terms of courses on Colombia, and a highly 
involved and interdisciplinary faculty affiliated to the Latin 
American Studies program.

Should you be interested in pursuing this offer please contact 
Alejandra Torres or Andres Alvarado at (510) 526-4949, or by email to 

Best regards,


Leah Carroll
Vice Chair, Colombia Section of the Latin American Studies Association
301C Campbell Hall #2922
U.C. Berkeley
Berkeley, CA  94720
(510) 643-5374
fax:  (510) 642-4607

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