De pronto hay alguien interesado en esto,
                                          Nestor Raul
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Languages and Cultures

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>Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:54:41 -0400
>From: Fernando Unzueta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Luis F. Restrepo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fwd: tenure-trackLat.American Indigenous Lit&Culture Position
>Aca va la descripcion del puesto, Luis Fdo.  Como te dije, Maureen es la
>jefa del comite.  Por favor pasa la informacion a personas que creas que
>puedan estar interesados, o nos avisas de posibles candidatos para que los
>contactemos directamente.
>Un abrazo, Fernando
>>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0
>>Dear Colleagues,
>>Below is the official announcement for our Fall/Winter Search for the
>>tenure-track Latin American Position in Indigenous Literatures and
>>Cultures, Assistant Professor, to begin, September 03. It has been posted
>>in the MLA Job Information List on line and for their print version, and
>>has been posted on SPPO department Web Page under both Faculty and Events
>>topics. You can always find it there for further reference. I am also
>>attaching the file for your convenience.
>>Beyond the development of our Latin American program in Literatures and
>>Cultures in this department, this approved position also forms part of the
>>exciting new initiative in Indigenous Languages and Cultures of our Center
>>for Latin American Studies at Ohio State University. Our objective is
>>broad national and international coverage to candidates in a range of
>>relevant disciplines, and our preference is for candidates working in
>>contemporary issues and/or their relationship to colonial ones.  Please
>>help us publicize our search with your respective networks and bulletin
>>boards(electronic or otherwise), distribute to colleagues in other
>>universities via email or post, and bring to the attention of qualified
>>graduate students.  I will be happy to answer questions or further
>>inquiries at my email address. We plan to start reading dossiers soon
>>after November 12, 2003 and will be interviewing at the MLA meeting in New
>>York City on December 28 and 29, 2003.
>>Assistant Professor of Spanish - Latin American Indigenous Literatures &
>>Tenure track position, beginning Autumn 2003. Specialization in Latin
>>American Indigenous Literatures and Cultures, with a strong theoretical
>>orientation. Period open (contemporary preferred).  Desirable secondary
>>areas of concentration include, Performance, Orality, Poetry, Theatre,
>>Popular Culture, Ethnicities, Indigenous Nationalisms.  Ph.D. in hand by
>>date of appointment, evidence of active research program, and excellent
>>command of Spanish and English required.  Commitment to excellence in
>>graduate and undergraduate teaching in a broad range of courses, from
>>general education to specialized graduate research seminars.  Regular
>>service duties. Competitive salary.  Preliminary interviews at the MLA
>>Convention in New York City. To receive full consideration, send
>>application materials (letter, CV, three current letters of
>>recommendation, and a sample of scholarly writing) by November 12, 2002,
>>to Prof. Maureen Ahern, Chair of the Latin American Search Committee,

>>Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University, 266 Cunz Hall,
>>1841 Millikin Rd., Columbus, OH 43210-1229, USA. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>>tel. 614-292-4958. Department web site at
>>The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
>>employer. Qualified women, minorities, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled
>>veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
>>Maureen Ahern, Professor of Spanish
>>& Latin American Literatures and Cultures,
>>Department of Spanish & Portuguese
>>1841 Millikin Rd., Cunz Hall 262,
>>Columbus, OH  43210-1229 (
>>FAX) 614 292-7726
>>(Dept) 614-292-4958
>>(Office) 614-292-4924)

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