
Les quiero dejar saber de esta excelente oportunidad para obtener financiacion si quieren hacer investigacion a nivel de posdoctorado o para investigadores que llevan mas de 5 de posdoctorado .  Lo que hace este programa bastante atractivo es que pueden aplicar investigadores de el exterior o que ya estan en los EU pero que no son ni ciudadanos ni residentes legales.

Cubre las areas de quimica, ciencias atmosfericas y de la tierra, ingenieria, ciencias aplicadas y matematicas, biologia,  fisica, y ciencias del espacio.

La aplicacion y mas informacion la pueden encontrar en el enlace que sigue.

Research Associateship awards
Electronic Application opens December 1
Submission deadline is February 1 (5:00 p.m. EST)
Transcripts (if applicable) and Reference Reports are due by February 15.

The National Academies administers Postdoctoral and Senior Research Awards through its Associateship Programs, part of the Policy and Global Affairs Division. The Research Associateship Programs are sponsored by federal laboratories and NASA Research Centers at over one hundred locations in the United States and overseas.
  • are given for the purpose of conducting research at a specific laboratory chosen by the applicant.
  • are made to doctoral level scientists and engineers who can apply their special knowledge and research talents to research areas that are of interest to them and to the host laboratories and centers.
  • are made to Postdoctoral Associates (within 5 years of the doctorate) and Senior Associates (normally 5 years or more beyond the doctorate). Frequently Asked Questions
Suerte para los que se le midan.

Orlando Aristizabal

Orlando Arsitizabal
      Skirball Institute - NYU Medical Center
      540 First Avenue, 5th Floor, Lab #13
      New York, NY 10016
      Office : (212) 263-7261
      Fax    : (212) 263-8214

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