Hola Richard, 
Gracias por este magnifico texto que nos enviaste a fines del al año pasado. 
Excelente para comenzar un año y un tema.  Voy a ver si consigo el artículo completo en una de nuestras librerías.  ¿Alguien más puede? 
A ver si analizando este tipo de desarrollos de la lingüística nos podemos salir de nuestro tema básico de la ortografía.


Nature Reviews Genetics 7, 9-20 (January 2006) | doi:10.1038/nrg1747

The eloquent ape: genes, brains and the evolution of language

Simon E. Fisher1 and Gary F. Marcus2  About the authors

The human capacity to acquire complex language seems to be without parallel in the natural world. The origins of this remarkable trait have long resisted adequate explanation, but advances in fields that range from molecular genetics to cognitive neuroscience offer new promise. Here we synthesize recent developments in linguistics, psychology and neuroimaging with progress in comparative genomics, gene-_expression_ profiling and studies of developmental disorders. We argue that language should be viewed not as a wholesale innovation, but as a complex reconfiguration of ancestral systems that have been adapted in evolutionarily novel ways.

Author affiliations

  1. Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK.
  2. Department of Psychology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, New York 10003, USA.

Correspondence to: Simon E Fisher1 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



From: "Richard Fratini Novy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 6:25 AM
Subject: r-caldas: Selección natural y evolución lingüistica
Simon E Fisher and Gary F. Marcus

Traditional neuroscience and linguistic studies are being integrated
with ever advancing developmental, genetic and genomic analyses,
among others, and are converging on the view that human language,
like many other traits, has evolved by descent with modification.

Abstract: http://info.nature.com/cgi-bin24/DM/y/eWIp0BfsrE0C60rvR0Ay

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