On 06/15/2012 08:27 AM, William Emmanuel S. Yu wrote:

I am new to this list and in the process of building some RPMs for R packages. 
I have been rolling my own packages for a few years now and post them for 
public use. I am a heavy user of R2spec with spec file tweaks of course. Thanks 
for the author for making life easier.

Every so often, I encounter the circular dependency issue with "suggest". For 
example, I am building R-reshape that depends on a bunch of packages including R-iterator 
and R-foreach. Unfortunately, R-iterator and R-foreach both suggest each other.

I used to be able to force ignoring suggests but this causes problems with 
check and test and skipping check and test isn't exactly what I want to do 

I would like to know what the "proper" way of building RPMs for the both of 
these R packages.


From the perspective of a scientist or engineer, the 'proper' solution would be to have a dependency _TREE_ instead of a dependency plate-of-pasta.

In short, your problem looks insane because the underlying reality is insane.


includes my statement of the problem, ca. 2009.


for a stab at a solution.  It's not elegant, but I think it'd work.

I've frankly been out of the loop on where Pierre-Yves is going on this issue for some time. I'm sure he's got some comments.

- Allen S. Rout
r-devel mailing list

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