1. Can CRAN packages depend on Bioconductor packages and still pass
R CMD check?  That is can Suggests: and Depends: in the DESCRIPTION
file contain Bioconductor packages or only other CRAN packages?
Is there an example?

2. If a package depends on a Bioconductor package does one just list
the package its dependent on or also all packages that that package
recursively depends on?  Is this the same as for CRAN packages that
a package is dependent on?

3. Suppose that the output of package A is typically processed by
package B.  Thus strictly speaking no function in A depends on any
function in B; however, the output of A is not very usable without post 
processing it by B.   Would one list A as being dependent on B anyways?

4. Are there any considerations in the above cases related to 
CRAN Task Views (ctv package)?

5. Are the above discussed anywhere?  I looked up the Depends and Suggests
field in 1.1 of the R Extensions manual but none of the above is addressed


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