>>>>> On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:33:03 -0700 (PDT),
>>>>> Thomas Lumley (TL) wrote:

  > On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
  >> I personally put NEWS, WISHLIST and THANKS files in the 'inst'
  >> directory of all my source packages.  This has the effect of copying them 
to the
  >> top level of the built version so that they are accessible from R via:

  > I'm not sure that WISHLIST and THANKS need to be available to people who 
  > haven't installed the package.   NEWS, on the other hand, really does.

  > One option (if it doesn't turn out to be too much work for the CRAN 
  > maintainers) would be to have an optional Changelog field in the 
  > DESCRIPTION file giving the relative path to the file. This would mean 
  > that maintainers would not all have to switch to the same format.
  > eg for foreign
  >    Changelog: ChangeLog
  > and for survey
  >    Changelog: inst/NEWS

  > This might be enough to make it easy for CRAN to display these when the 
  > maintainer provides them.

Standard location or a mechachanism like the one you describe are both
similar amount of work (and not much at all), the HTML pages are
generated by perl and I have the parsed DESCRIPTION file there, i.e.,
using a fixed name or the value of the Changelog field is basically
the same.


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