I've changed the subject in the hope some more people would
voice an opinion...

>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>     on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 17:29:20 +0200 writes:

>>>>> "Wst" == Werner Stahel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>     on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:37:02 +0200 writes:

    Wst> ........................
    Wst> ........................
    Wst> ........................

    Wst> For most plots, I like to see a smoother along with the
    Wst> points.  I suggest to add the option to include
    Wst> smoothers, not only as an argument to plot.lm, but even
    Wst> as an option().  I have heared of the intense
    Wst> discussions about options().  With Martin, we arrived
    Wst> at the conclusion that options() should never influence
    Wst> calculations and results, but is suitable to adjust
    Wst> outputs (numerical: digits=, graphical: smooth=) to the
    Wst> user's taste.

    MM> {and John Fox agreed, `in general'}

    MM> That could be a possibility, for 2.2.0 only applied to
    MM> plot.lm() in any case, where plot.lm() would get a new
    MM> argument

    MM>     add.smooth = getOption("plot.add.smooth")

    MM> What do people think about the name?  it would ``stick
    MM> with us'' -- so we better choose it well..

No reaction so far.... 

I've realized that I can introduce this very easily into

Instead of the former argument    

         panel = points

I use the new ones

         panel = if(add.smooth) panel.smooth else points,

         add.smooth = isTRUE(getOption("plot.add.smooth")),

- - - 

Now I even propose to have
        options(add.smooth = TRUE)

as a new default.....

Do I get a reaction now?

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