What has changed in R for Windows from version 1.7.1 to
2.2.0 that won't allow me to build binary packages?

On 1.7.1 I built a packge with this command:

    Rcmd build --force --binary iL04

On 2.2.0 this fails. First I had to copy sh.exe from d:\bin to 
c:\bin. This got me over the first hurdle. But then I got stuck 
at a later point. Here are the last lines of output:

---------- Making package iL04 ------------
latex: not found
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
latex: not found
latex: not found
latex: not found
  installing R files
latex: not found
  installing demos
  installing data files
latex: not found
  installing man source files
  installing indices
cat: d:/R-2.2.0/library/*/CONTENTS: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [indices] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [pkg-iL04] Error 2
*** Installation of iL04 failed ***

Peter Kleiweg

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