Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On 10/7/05, Duncan Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>>Is there some way of automatically including the svn version number
>>>of a package in the DESCRIPTION file or otherwise so that one
>>>can check from within R which svn version number one has?
>>You could do this by writing it into your Makefile, but there's no other
>>existing support for it.  I'd recommend combining the URL reported by
>>"svn info" with the result of svnversion to get the most informative
>>version.  Watch out for cases of people who are trying to make your
>>package from a tarfile, rather than an svn checkout.  We have ended up
>>with some fairly tricky Makefile programming to get what we want into
>>the R banner.
> There is no makefile at all currently as my package is all R.  Also, I
> currently use TortoiseSVN.

Probably the simplest option is to set an svn:keywords property on one 
of your source files, and get Subversion to put the revision number into 
the source when you check out.  This won't tell you if you've got a 
mixed or modified revision, but as long as you are careful not to do 
this, it might give you what you want.

I've got no idea how to do this in TortoiseSVN (I use command line svn), 
but presumably the documentation will talk about it.

Duncan Murdoch

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