
I was wondering if I could use the matprod function from array.c in my own C 
routine.  I tried the following as a test

/* my_matprod.c */

# include <Rinternals.h> /* for REAL, SEXP etc */
# include <R_ext/Applic.h> /* array.c says need for dgemm */

/* following copied from array.c */
static void matprod(double *x, int nrx, int ncx,
                    double *y, int nry, int ncy, double *z)
    char *transa = "N", *transb = "N";
    int i,  j, k;
    double one = 1.0, zero = 0.0, sum;
    Rboolean have_na = FALSE;

    if (nrx > 0 && ncx > 0 && nry > 0 && ncy > 0) {
        /* Don't trust the BLAS to handle NA/NaNs correctly: PR#4582
         * The test is only O(n) here
        for (i = 0; i < nrx*ncx; i++)
            if (ISNAN(x[i])) {have_na = TRUE; break;}
        if (!have_na)
            for (i = 0; i < nry*ncy; i++)
                if (ISNAN(y[i])) {have_na = TRUE; break;}
        if (have_na) {
            for (i = 0; i < nrx; i++)
                for (k = 0; k < ncy; k++) {
                    sum = 0.0;
                    for (j = 0; j < ncx; j++)
                        sum += x[i + j * nrx] * y[j + k * nry];
                    z[i + k * nrx] = sum;
        } else
            F77_CALL(dgemm)(transa, transb, &nrx, &ncy, &ncx, &one,
                            x, &nrx, y, &nry, &zero, z, &nrx);
    } else /* zero-extent operations should return zeroes */
        for(i = 0; i < nrx*ncy; i++) z[i] = 0;

/* test function: matrix multiplication of nr by nc matrix with nc-vector */
SEXP my_matprod(SEXP M, SEXP v, SEXP nr, SEXP nc) {
  R_len_t  nrm = INTEGER(nr)[0], ncm = INTEGER(nc)[0];
  SEXP ans;

  PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrm, 1));
  matprod(REAL(M), nrm, ncm,
          REAL(v), ncm, 1, REAL(ans));

When I try to make the DLL I get the following
D:\C_routines>RCMD SHLIB my_matprod.c
making my_matprod.d from my_matprod.c
gcc   -IC:/R/tex/R-2.2.0/include -Wall -O2   -c my_matprod.c -o my_matprod.o
ar cr my_matprod.a my_matprod.o
ranlib my_matprod.a
gcc  --shared -s  -o my_matprod.dll my_matprod.def my_matprod.a  -LC:/R/tex/R-2.
2.0/src/gnuwin32   -lg2c -lR
my_matprod.a(my_matprod.o)(.text+0x19a):my_matprod.c: undefined reference to `dg
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [my_matprod.dll] Error 1

I'm using Windows XP and I'm using the MinGW gcc. It works fine if I comment 
out the Fortran call so that the method for have_na is always used. 

Do I need to include another header file to use dgemm? Is there a better way to 
use matprod than just to copy the code?

Any help appreciated,


Dr H Turner
Research Assistant
Dept. of Statistics
The University of Warwick

Tel: 024 76575870
Url: www.warwick.ac.uk/go/heatherturner

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