
Try this

XX <- as.numeric(X[[1]])
for (i in 2:length(X)) XX <- 10*XX + as.numeric(X[[i]])
split(seq(along=XX), XX)

You can read off the cell from the decimal expansion of the label.
And XX goes from observations to cells.

The hard work is done by unique() under the skin (split makes XX into a 


On Wed, 1 Feb 2006, stefano iacus wrote:

> Suppose X is a data.frame with n obs and k vars, all variables are
> factors.
> tab <- table(X)
> containes a k-dim array
> I would like to get a list from tab. This list is such that, each
> element contain the indexes corresponding to the observations which
> are in the same cell of this k-dim array. Of course, only for non
> empty cell.
> E.g.
> > set.seed(123)
> > X <-,100,5))
> > X$V1 <- cut(X$V1, br=5)
> > X$V2 <- cut(X$V2, br=5)
> > X$V3 <- cut(X$V3, br=5)
> > X$V4 <- cut(X$V4, br=5)
> > X$V5 <- cut(X$V5, br=5)
> > tab <- table(X)
> > which(tab>0) -> cells
> > length(cells)
> [1] 94
> thus, of course, 94 cells over 5^5 = 3125 are non empty.
> I would like a smart way (without reimplementing table/tabulate) to
> get the list of length 94 which contains the indexes of the obs in
> each cell
> Or, viceversa, a vector of length n which tells, observation by
> observation,  which cell (out of the 3125) the observation is in.
> stefano
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