
What you are trying to do should work, but there are a couple of things 
to watch out for. In the bundle DESCRIPTION "Contains" line be sure to 
put the packages in the order that they should be checked.  In the R 
code for package B be sure to put an .onload function with 
requires("A"), or else require("A") explicitly for anything that needs 
it.  As I recall, this is not necessary for packages, if the package 
DESCRIPTION has Depends: A, but with bundles R CMD check does not work 
unless you explicitly do requires("A") in the code. It may also be 
necessary to specify the package in the data() function - I always do.

I think that is all, but is has been awhile since I worked this out, so 
I may have forgotten something.


Iago Mosqueira wrote:
> Dear all,
> When creating a bundle with some internal dependencies (package B in
> bundle depends on package A), would having the same version installed
> suffice? Can I ignore the dependencie in package B's description? The
> test of package B fails when calling data() for an object in pacakge A,
> so I am not sure right now whether the whole dependencie is not being
> met or simple relates to data(). What is the best way of dealing with
> this structure?
> Many thanks,
> Iago Mosqueira
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