As I think Seth told  you before, if you want to control the order of 
inheritance at the same level, you need to use the intended order in the 
contains= argument to setClass.  In your example (retaining the class 
union, although it's not required, the superclass could just be an 
ordinary virtual class),

##  C00 mother class to C01 and C02
setClass("C00", representation(a="numeric"), prototype =c(a=0))
setClass("C01", representation(a="numeric",b="numeric"),
         contains= c("C01OrC02", "C00"))
setClass("C02", representation(a="numeric",d="numeric"),
         contains= c("C01OrC02", "C00"))

seems to give what you want.

 > x1 + x2
[1] 5
 > extends("C01")
[1] "C01"      "C01OrC02" "C00"    

To answer one of your other questions, the point about inheritance 
asserting substitutability is that you now need to be sure that EVERY 
method for C01OrC02 is preferred to a method for C00 for the new subclasses.

As a general design point, having these competing superclasses is likely 
to confuse the user, if not the implementer.  If you could, it would 
make a clearer picture to have, e.g., C01orC02 be a subclass of C00.  
Then the inheritance is obvious--C01or... is a parent, while C00 is a 
grandparent.   The special contains= then doesn't need to be repeated 
for every subclass Cx.

Peter Ruckdeschel wrote:

>Dear John and Seth,  dear R-devels,
>once again the question of method dispatch in S4 -- this time with
>setClassUnion(); taking up your advice in
>I have been too quick in stating that
>>setClassUnion()---at least in my case---solves the problem;
>The problem arises if I have a  direct superclass "competing"
>with the new class generated by setClassUnion();
>consider the following code:
>##  C00 mother class to C01 and C02
>setClass("C00", representation(a="numeric"), prototype =c(a=0))
>setClass("C01", representation(a="numeric",b="numeric"), contains= "C00")
>setClass("C02", representation(a="numeric",d="numeric"), contains= "C00")
>#with setClassUnion:
>setClassUnion("C01OrC02", c("C01","C02"))
>#  "+" methods  for C00 and C01OrC02
>#        that this is a function to be dispatched on two arguments is
>#        not important for this example
>setMethod("+", signature=c("C00","C00"), function(e1,e2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@a})
>setMethod("+", signature=c("C01OrC02","C01OrC02"),
>         function(e1,e2){if(is(e1,"C01")) e10 <- e1
>                        #  else: explicit coercion from  C02 to C01
>                        else e10 <- new("C01", [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
>                         if(is(e2,"C01")) e20 <- e2
>                         #  else: explicit coercion from  C02 to C01
>                         else e20 <- new("C01", [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
>                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]@b})
>x1=new("C02", a=1, d=2)
>x2=new("C02", a=1, d=3)
>x1+x2 ## 2, i.e. uses C00-method
># but I would like to force usage of C01OrC02-method
>Here the two classes C00 and C01OrC02 are direct superclasses to
>C02, which exactly reflects my application of distribution classes,
>How does the dispatching mechanism decide between
>these two and is there a way to change precedence?
>Of course, I could implement a "+" method for C02 directly
>in this case, but suppose I have much more methods for
>C01 and I want to use /all/ of them for C02, and cannot
>organize things so that we have the inheritance chain
>C00 -> C01 -> C02.  What is the preferred way of doing
>Thank you already for your attention,
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