>>>>> On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:22:42 +0200 (CEST),
>>>>> gregor gorjanc (gg) wrote:

  > Dear R core,
  > influenced by recent panel discussion in Vienna I think that it would be
  > nice to add package specific output of citation() function to package
  > reference manuals. I think that apropriate place would be just after
  > fields from DESCRIPTION file. This will be OK for CRAN, but not for
  > locally installed packages as there is not reference manual there (at
  > least on my linux box) - why is this the case? Perhaps output of
  > citation() could be added to package specific help page i.e. to
  > mypackage.package.Rd file.

Yes, very good idea, I have put it onto my 2do list for 2.4.


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