Have a look at Rfind.bat in


which uses the registry to find various software used by R.

On 8/28/06, Friedrich Leisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 07:45:00 -0700,
> >>>>> Martin Morgan (MM) wrote:
>  > [A build system misconfiguration at Bioconductor lead to a discussion
>  > about whether \usepackage{Sweave} should be included in .Rnw
>  > documents. Leaving this line out causes a problem on Windows, as
>  > indicated below.]
>  > I think the problem is '~', which should, according to Donald
>  > Arseneau's comment in this thread
>  > 
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/640e89078d0697c4/5b6f9fc6b0da21bf?lnk=gst&q=windows+file+path&rnum=4#5b6f9fc6b0da21bf
>  > be \string~. If this is the correct change, perhaps an upstream fix
>  > could be introduced in src/library/util/R/Sweave.R.
> Sorry to join in late, I am currently at a conference with limited
> access to the Internet. I am not su sure how easy it is to make the
> conversion, i.e. if it is save to unconditionally change all tildes in
> the path as suggested above. Does anybody have any experience wether
> that is save on all platforms and TeX installations?
> Personally I think it would make a lot of sense if the Bioconductor
> check machines could include a version of RHOME/share/texmf in their
> TeX input path ... that would also allow to use Rd.sty etc.
> Otherwise most of what has been said in this thread is true: The full
> path is inserted into the document by Sweave such that you donnot have
> to copy something from RHOME to your tex installation every time you
> install a new version of R.
> On Unix it is easy: Put /usr/local/lib/R/share/texmf (or wherever you
> typically install your default R) into your tex path and you are
> done. On windows the normal R installation path contains the version
> number, so this will fail. Hence I did the path thing in R as a
> convenience for authors (and to make sure that R version and
> Sweave.sty are consistent, but the .sty is pretty stable anyway).
> Maybe the installer could/should create
>        c:\programme\R\R-latest
> as a link to the newest installed version?
> Just a thought.
> Best,
> Fritz
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