Gavin Simpson wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 17:58 -0400, T C wrote:
>> I'm not sure if this is the place to post this question, but, I am
>> having trouble compiling the source code. I do have a suitable C
>> compiler and f2c but I get this error when I run ./configure
>> configure: error: --with-readline=yes (default) and headers/libs are
>> not available
>> Any ideas? Thanks.
> You need the readline development headers, which in general are found in
> <package_name>-devel package available for your distribution. You might
> have readline installed, but clearly you don't have the development
> headers or they are installed in a non-standard place that the configure
> script can't find them.
> I'm not familiar with Ubuntu, but on Fedora the package you need is
> readline-devel. Install it using Ubuntu's package manager and then try
> to recompile.

On ubuntu (dapper) the package is:


> And please *don't* post to both R-Help *and* R-devel; posting to one
> list is quite sufficient and only R-devel is the appropriate list for
> questions of this nature.
> G

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