Hi John,

John Chambers wrote:
> A problem with callNextMethod, which is caching an inherited method as
> if it was not inherited, causing confusion on the next search.  Should
> be fairly easy to fix, but may be a while before I get time to do so.
> By the way, I hope your simplified example does not reflect what
> happens in the actual one.
>    callNextMethod(.Object)
> throws away all the ... arguments to new(), which rather defeats the
> purpose of having initialize() methods.  Generally, callNextMethod()
> should get no arguments or all the arguments it needs, including ...
> See ?callNextMethod

Thanks for looking at this!

Yes it is a simplified version of a real case and
here .Object is all what callNextMethod() needs because
the initialize method for an "A" object takes no argument
other than .Object

More generally I don't see what's wrong with not passing
to callNextMethod all the arguments coming from the call
to new:

    setClass("A", representation(toto="integer"))
    setMethod("initialize", "A", function(.Object, toto0) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <- as.integer(toto0); .Object})
    new("A", 45.1)

    setClass("Ab", contains="A")
    setMethod("initialize", "Ab", function(.Object, x, y)
    callNextMethod(.Object, x*y+1))
    new("Ab", 5, 2)



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