On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, Marc Schwartz wrote:

> Hi all,
> Has anyone had a chance to look at this and either validate my finding
> or tell me that my brain has turned to mush?
> Either would be welcome...  :-)

Looks like MASS:::profile.glm could be simplified to

profile.glm <- function(fitted, which = 1:p, alpha = 0.01,
                         maxsteps = 10, del = zmax/5, trace = FALSE, ...)
     Pnames <- names(B0 <- coefficients(fitted))
     pv0 <- t(as.matrix(B0))
     p <- length(Pnames)
     if(is.character(which)) which <- match(which, Pnames)
     summ <- summary(fitted)
     std.err <- summ$coefficients[, "Std. Error"]
     mf <- model.frame(fitted)

and this will then work.  That used not to work, including when the 
function was last updated.  The reason it works is that model=TRUE is now 
the default on all the model-fitting functions, as re-creating the model 
frame proved to be too error-prone.

> Thanks,
> Marc
> On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 13:53 -0600, Marc Schwartz wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> I was in the process of creating a function to generate profile
>> likelihood confidence intervals for a proportion using a binomial glm.
>> This is a component of a larger function to generate and plot confidence
>> intervals for proportions using the above, along with bootstrap (BCa),
>> Wilson and Exact to visually demonstrate the variation across the
>> methods to some folks.
>> I had initially tried this using:
>>   R version 2.4.0 Patched (2006-11-19 r39944)
>> However, I just verified that it still occurs in:
>>   R version 2.4.1 RC (2006-12-11 r40157)
>> In both cases, I started R using '--vanilla' and this is under FC6,
>> fully updated.
>> Using the following code, it runs fine:
>> x <- 14
>> n <- 35
>> conf <- 0.95
>> DF <- data.frame(y = x / n, weights = n)
>> mod <- glm(y ~ 1, weights = weights, family = binomial(), data = DF)
>> pl.ci <- plogis(confint(mod, level = conf))
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> pl.ci
>>     2.5 %    97.5 %
>> 0.2490412 0.5651094
>> However, when I encapsulate the above in a function:
>> PropCI <- function(x, n, conf = 0.95)
>> {
>>   DF <- data.frame(y = x / n, weights = n)
>>   mod <- glm(y ~ 1, weights = weights, family = binomial(), data = DF)
>>   plogis(confint(mod, level = conf))
>> }
>> I get the following:
>> # Nothing else in the current global environment
>>> ls()
>> [1] "PropCI"
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>> Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : object "DF" not found
>> If however, I create a 'DF' in the global environment (which may NOT be
>> the same 'DF' values as within the function!!):
>> DF <- data.frame(y = 14 / 35, weights = 35)
>>> DF
>>     y weights
>> 1 0.4      35
>>> ls()
>> [1] "DF"     "PropCI"
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>     2.5 %    97.5 %
>> 0.2490412 0.5651094
>> To my point above about the 'DF' in the global environment not being the
>> same as the 'DF' within the function body:
>>> DF <- data.frame(y = 5 / 40, weights = 40)
>>> DF
>>       y weights
>> 1 0.125      40
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>     2.5 %    97.5 %
>> 0.3752233 0.4217556
>> Rather scary I think....
>> So, this suggested a problem in where confint.glm() was looking for
>> 'DF'.
>> I subsequently traced through the code using debug(), having removed
>> 'DF' from the global environment:
>>> debug(MASS:::confint.glm)
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> debugging in: confint.glm(mod, level = conf)
>> ...
>> debug: object <- profile(object, which = parm, alpha = (1 - level)/4,
>>     trace = trace)
>> Browse[1]>
>> Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : object "DF" not found
>> which brought me to profile.glm():
>>> debug(MASS:::profile.glm)
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>> debugging in: profile.glm(object, which = parm, alpha = (1 - level)/4,
>> trace = trace)
>> ...
>> debug: mf <- update(fitted, method = "model.frame")
>> Browse[1]>
>> Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : object "DF" not found
>> which brought me to update.default():
>>> debug(update.default)
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>> debugging in: update.default(fitted, method = "model.frame")
>> ...
>> debug: if (evaluate) eval(call, parent.frame()) else call
>> Browse[1]>
>> Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : object "DF" not found
>> which brought me to eval():
>>> debug(eval)
>>> PropCI(14, 35)
>> debugging in: eval(mf, parent.frame())
>> ...
>> debugging in: eval(mf, parent.frame())
>> debug: .Internal(eval(expr, envir, enclos))
>> Browse[1]>
>> Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : object "DF" not found
>> Unfortunately, at this point, largely due to lack of sleep of late, my
>> eyes are sufficiently glazed over and my brain sufficiently vapor locked
>> that the resolution is not immediately clear and I have not yet dug into
>> the C code for eval().
>> Presumably, either I am missing something fundamental here, or there is
>> a bug where, environment-wise, these respective functions are looking in
>> the wrong place for 'DF', probably based upon the default environment
>> arguments noted above.
>> Any comments from a fresh pair of eyes would be most welcome.
>> Regards and thanks,
>> Marc Schwartz
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Brian D. Ripley,                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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