Hi Hin-Tak Leung,
thank you for your help. Paul and I had solved the problem off-line.
Here is the solution: the encoding file contained in the tipa package
is not in adobe format and therefore causes the problem. The default
encoding, however, seems to work well. In case of fonts corresponding
to extended ascii, the octal code you find in appendix A in the tipa
manual [1] can be entered in the string in the form \xyz.

This code demonstrates the use of IPA fonts (provided you have
downloaded the fonts in the Type1 directory in your current path):
Note in the end that you have to explicitely embed the fonts into the
pdf file.

ipa <- Type1Font("InternationalPhoneticAlphabet",

grid.text("whatever", y=2/3, gp=gpar(fontfamily="ipa"))
grid.text("WHATEVER", y=1/3, gp=gpar(fontfamily="ipa"))
grid.text("\312", y=1/4, gp=gpar(fontfamily="ipa"))
embedFonts("ipademo.pdf", out="ipademoembed.pdf", fontpath="Type1")

The only missing part is including symbols that are created in
tipa/LaTeX by macros, but this is another story...

Thanks to anyone who helped.

[1] http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/tipa/tipaman.pdf

On Mon, 18 Dec 2006, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not familiar with how R deals with postscript fonts, but
> I am fairly familiar with some font technology, so here are a few
> random thoughts:
> (1) You are not supposed to specify just any random font family string
> - postscript type 1 fonts contain their own family name inside.
> (read the top of the font file - the header is is plain ascii). If it
> works with a random font family name, it is probably because R does not
> check (?).
> (2) if you are using symbol fonts, some of X11 funtionality may depend
> on your locale - the warning message on PostscriptCIDMetricIndfo
> did say something about you using a one-byte locale - LANG=en_US.iso88591 .
> (3) There are various ways to add fonts to the X server - for new
> linux systems you are just copy them into ${HOME}/.fonts (don't know if
> R can use fonts via xft), for older linux boxes, you can do
> "xset fp+ <fontdir>", after running mkfontdir in that directory
> beforehand.
> Giampiero Salvi wrote:
> > Hi Paul,
> > first thank you for helping out.
> >
> > On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Paul Murrell wrote:
> >
> >> Exactly.  The process would be simpler if you drew directly to
> >> PostScript or PDF via postscript() or pdf().
> >>
> >> Also, the text() call should be ...
> >>
> >> text(10,10,"whatever",family="ipa")
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> I'm not sure how you got there.  You've specified the family wrong so I
> >> would expect more "family not found" warnings.  Let me know if this
> >> persists with the correct family specified.
> >
> > Strangely enough I get the
> > "family 'ipa' not included in PostScript device"
> > if I run
> > text(10,10,"whatever",family="ipa")
> > while the "PostScriptCIDMetricInfo" error if I run
> > text(10,10,"whatever",family="InternationalPhoneticAlphabet"")
> >
> > I get the same behaviour when I write directly to the postscript
> > device:
> >
> > postscript(file="whatever.eps")
> > plot(10,10,type="n")
> > text(10,10,"whatever",family="InternationalPhoneticAlphabet")
> > or
> > text(10,10,"whatever",family="ipa")
> >
> > I suspect the "PostScriptCIDMetricInfo" error depends on the fact the
> > the encodings/silipa.enc file contains all values from 33 to 255
> > (with a few undefines values). Can that be possible?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Giampiero
> >
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