Times from seq.POSIXt come out wrong in AEST timezone around Feb 29 every
leap year before 1970 (on Windows XP).

According to help(DateTimeClasses), this is handled by "our own C code".

> x <- as.POSIXct("1968-02-27") # tz="AEST"
> x.gmt <- as.POSIXct("1968-02-27", tz="GMT")
> data.frame(
     GMT=seq(x.gmt, by="day", length=8),
     byday=seq(x, by="day", length=8),
     byDST=seq(x, by="DSTday", length=8))
         GMT      byday      byDST
1 1968-02-27 1968-02-27 1968-02-27
2 1968-02-28 1968-02-28 1968-02-28
3 1968-02-29 1968-03-01 1968-03-02
4 1968-03-01 1968-03-02 1968-03-02
5 1968-03-02 1968-03-02 1968-03-02
6 1968-03-03 1968-03-03 1968-03-03
7 1968-03-04 1968-03-04 1968-03-04
8 1968-03-05 1968-03-05 1968-03-05

> R.version
platform       i386-pc-mingw32
arch           i386
os             mingw32
system         i386, mingw32
major          2
minor          4.1
year           2006
month          12
day            18
svn rev        40228
language       R
version.string R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)

Felix Andrews / 安福立
Beijing Bag, Locked Bag 40, Kingston ACT 2604
Building 48A, Linnaeus Way, The Australian National University ACT 0200
voice:+86_1051404394 (in China)
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