Thank you Andrew,

'setenv MAKE gmake' did it.

Now I can use latest spdep package :-)


Andrew Robinson schrieb:
> Hi Rainer,
> check the following post for an alternative solution:
> if you would like more detailed instructions, let me know.
> Andrew
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2007 at 10:10:45PM +0200, Rainer Hurling wrote:
>> Thanks, Brian and Martin,
>> I think you are both right, Matrix tries to use BSD make (/usr/bin/make) 
>> on FreeBSD instead of GNU make (/usr/local/bin/gmake).
>> Sorry, but I don't know how to persuade the configure script to use 
>> gmake :-(
>> Rainer
>> Prof Brian Ripley schrieb:
>>> This is because of the GNUism in Matrix/src/Makefile
>>> ## get rid of this, once we have 'Depends: R (>= 2.5.0)':
>>> ifeq (, $(findstring -lRlapack, $(LAPACK_LIBS)))
>>> else
>>> SOURCES_LAPACK = zpotf2.f zpotrf.f zlacgv.f
>>> endif
>>> I guess you know what you need to do to fix it for BSD make?
>>> On Sat, 31 Mar 2007, Rainer Hurling wrote:
>>>> Trying to compile the package Matrix_0.9975-11.tar.gz with newest
>>>> R-2.5.0 alpha (2007-03-31 r40986) on FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT (i386) I get
>>>> the following error:
>>>> -----
>>>> R CMD INSTALL Matrix_0.9975-11.tar.gz
>>>> * Installing to library '/usr/local/lib/R/library'
>>>> * Installing *source* package 'Matrix' ...
>>>> ** libs
>>>> ** arch -
>>>> "Makefile", line 10: Missing dependency operator
>>>> "Makefile", line 12: Need an operator
>>>> "Makefile", line 14: Need an operator
>>>> make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
>>>> ERROR: compilation failed for package 'Matrix'
>>>> ** Removing '/usr/local/lib/R/library/Matrix'
>>>> -----
>>>> Under FreeBSD I have installed the LAPACK package (3.0.2) with library
>>>> at location
>>>> /usr/local/lib/
>>>> Is it possible that the Makefile of package Matrix fails because of that?
>>> Not used unless you asked for it during R's configure.
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