Hi all,

I've written a new version of relist that includes the suggestions from Gabor
and Martin:


The leading example now looks like this:

        initial.param <- list(mean=c(0, 1), vcov=cbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 0)))
        initial.param <- as.relistable(initial.param)

        ll <- function(param.vector)
                param <- relist(initial.param)
                -sum(dnorm(x, mean=param$mean, vcov=param$vcov, log=TRUE))
                # note: dnorm doesn't do vcov... but I hope you get the point

        optim(unlist(initial.param), ll)

One thing that concerns me is that relist() needs to count how many items are
in a structued object.  In this version, it does that by repeatedly calling


which is quite inefficient (O(n^2) time, where n is the depth of the

Is there a clean way of making this faster?  I suppose relist() could
return attach a "length" attribute to the object it returns.

Apart from that, I suppose I should do these things before inclusion:
 * write some documentation (including pointers in unlist's docs)
 * write more relist methods (eg for character)

What's the usual process?  Email a patch to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 09:53:31AM +0200, Martin Maechler wrote:
> Nice ideas, Gabor and Andrew.
> While I agree with Andrew that such a utility makes for nicer
> and considerably better maintainable code in examples like his,
> and I do like to provide "inverse operator functions" in R
> whenever sensible,
> OTOH, we have strived to keep R's "base" package as lean and
> clean as possible, so I think this had to go to "utils".
> One further small proposal: I'd use class name  "relistable"
> since that's what the object of this class are
> and hence as.relistable().
> What do other R-develers think?
> Martin
> >>>>> "GaGr" == Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>>     on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:54:22 -0400 writes:
>     GaGr> unlist would not attach a skeleton to every vector it
>     GaGr> returns, only the relist method of unlist would.
>     GaGr> That way just that method needs to be added and no
>     GaGr> changes to unlist itself are needed.
>     GaGr> Before applying unlist to an object you would coerce
>     GaGr> the object to class "relist" to force the relist
>     GaGr> method of unlist to be invoked.
>     GaGr> Here is an outline of the code:
>     GaGr> as.relist <- function(x) {
>     GaGr>  if (!inherits(x, "relist")) class(x) <- c("relist", class(x))
>     GaGr>  x
>     GaGr> }
>     GaGr> unlist.relist <- function(x, ...) {
>     GaGr>  y <- x
>     GaGr>  cl <- class(y)
>     GaGr>  class(y) <- cl[- grep("relist", cl)]
>     GaGr>  z <- unlist(y)
>     GaGr>  attr(z, "relist") <- y
>     GaGr>  as.relist(z)
>     GaGr> }
>     GaGr> relist <- function(x, skeleton = attr(x, "relist")) {
>     GaGr>  # simpler version of relist so test can be executed
>     GaGr>  skeleton
>     GaGr> }
>     GaGr> # test
>     GaGr> x <- list(a = 1:2, b = 3)
>     GaGr> class(as.relist(x))
>     GaGr> unlist(as.relist(x))
>     GaGr> relist(unlist(as.relist(x)))
>     GaGr> On 5/14/07, Andrew Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     >> Hi GaGr,
>     >> 
>     >> Thanks for the interesting suggestion.  I must confess I got lost -- is
>     >> it something like this?
>     >> * unlist() could attach skeleton to every vector it returns.
>     >> * relist() could then use the skeleton attached to the vector to 
> reconstruct
>     >> the object.  The interface might be
>     >> 
>     >> relist <- function(flesh, skeleton=attributes(flesh)$skeleton)
>     >> 
>     >> For example:
>     >> 
>     >> par <- list(mean=c(0, 0), vcov(rbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 1))))
>     >> vector.for.optim <- unlist(par)
>     >> print(attributes(vector.optim)$skeleton)    # the skeleton is stored!
>     >> converted.back.again <- relist(par)
>     >> 
>     >> Some concerns:
>     >> * the metadata might get lost in some applications -- although it seems
>     >> to work fine with optim().  But, if we provide both interfaces (where
>     >> skeleton=flesh$skeleton is the default), then there should be no 
> problem.
>     >> * would there be any bad side-effects of changing the existing unlist
>     >> interface?  I suppose an option like "save.skeleton" could be added to 
> unlist.
>     >> I expect there would be some objections to enabling this as default 
> behaviour,
>     >> as it would significantly increase the storage requirements of the 
> output.
>     >> 
>     >> Cheers,
>     >> Andrew
>     >> 
>     >> On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 07:02:37PM -0400, GaGr Grothendieck wrote:
>     >> > I suggest you define a "relist" class and then define an unlist
>     >> > method for it which stores the skeleton as an attribute.  Then
>     >> > one would not have to specify skeleton in the relist command
>     >> > so
>     >> >
>     >> > relist(unlist(relist(x))) === x
>     >> >
>     >> > 1. relist(x) is the same as x except it gets an additional class 
> "relist".
>     >> > 2. unlist(relist(x)) invokes the relist method of unlist on relist(x)
>     >> > returning another relist object
>     >> > 3. relist(unlist(relist(x))) then recreates relist(x)
>     >> >
>     >> >
>     >> > On 5/13/07, Andrew Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     >> > >Hi all,
>     >> > >
>     >> > >I wrote a function called relist, which is an inverse to the 
> existing
>     >> > >unlist function:
>     >> > >
>     >> > >       http://www.econ.upenn.edu/~clausen/computing/relist.R
>     >> > >
>     >> > >Some functions need many parameters, which are most easily 
> represented in
>     >> > >complex structures.  Unfortunately, many mathematical functions in 
> R,
>     >> > >including optim, nlm, and grad can only operate on functions whose 
> domain
>     >> > >is
>     >> > >a vector.  R has a function to convert complex objects into a vector
>     >> > >representation.  This file provides an inverse operation called 
> "unlist" to
>     >> > >convert vectors back to the convenient structural representation.
>     >> > >Together,
>     >> > >these functions allow structured functions to have simple 
> mathematical
>     >> > >interfaces.
>     >> > >
>     >> > >For example, a likelihood function for a multivariate normal model 
> needs a
>     >> > >variance-covariance matrix and a mean vector.  It would be most 
> convenient
>     >> > >to
>     >> > >represent it as a list containing a vector and a matrix.  A typical
>     >> > >parameter
>     >> > >might look like
>     >> > >
>     >> > >       list(mean=c(0, 1), vcov=cbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 0)))
>     >> > >
>     >> > >However, optim can't operate on functions that take lists as input; 
> it
>     >> > >only likes vectors.  The solution is conversion:
>     >> > >
>     >> > >        initial.param <- list(mean=c(0, 1), vcov=cbind(c(1, 1), 
> c(1, 0)))
>     >> > >
>     >> > >        ll <- function(param.vector)
>     >> > >        {
>     >> > >               param <- relist(initial.param, param.vector)
>     >> > >               -sum(dnorm(x, mean=param$mean, vcov=param$vcov, 
> log=TRUE))
>     >> > >               # note: dnorm doesn't do vcov... but I hope you get 
> the
>     >> > >               point
>     >> > >        }
>     >> > >
>     >> > >        optim(unlist(initial.param), ll)
>     >> > >
>     >> > >"relist" takes two parameters: skeleton and flesh.  Skeleton is a 
> sample
>     >> > >object that has the right "shape" but the wrong content.  "flesh" 
> is a
>     >> > >vector
>     >> > >with the right content but the wrong shape.  Invoking
>     >> > >
>     >> > >       relist(skeleton, flesh)
>     >> > >
>     >> > >will put the content of flesh on the skeleton.
>     >> > >
>     >> > >As long as "skeleton" has the right shape, it should be a precise 
> inverse
>     >> > >of unlist.  These equalities hold:
>     >> > >
>     >> > >       relist(skeleton, unlist(x)) == x
>     >> > >       unlist(relist(skeleton, y)) == y
>     >> > >
>     >> > >Is there any easy way to do this without my new relist function?  
> Is there
>     >> > >any
>     >> > >interest in including this in R's base package?  (Or anywhere 
> else?)  Any
>     >> > >comments on the implementation?
>     >> > >
>     >> > >Cheers,
>     >> > >Andrew

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