Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> I think the question is how are you accessing the parser?  The only 
> public interface is R_ParseVector, and that works like parse(text=):

Yes, I'm using R_ParseVector. PL/R basically takes the function's text 
as stored in the Postgres system catalog table (prosrc field of 
pg_catalog.pg_proc), and feeds it to R_ParseVector more-or-less 
unchanged (currently).

> This does not happen when reading from files, as the connection 
> machinery converts line endings (or fgets does).  So I think the problem 
> may be in how you (or PostgreSQL) are getting text from files.

That makes sense. Many people use a database client such as PgAdmin III 
to create PL/R (and other) functions. PgAdmin adds standard Win32 EOLs 
to multiline CREATE FUNCTION statements, and Postgres dutifully stores 
them with the rest of the text in the catalog, exactly as received.

> The rules of R syntax are quite simple, e.g.
>   Newlines have a function which is a combination of token separator and
>   expression terminator.  If an expression can terminate at the end of
>   the line the parser will assume it does so, otherwise the newline is
>   treated as whitespace.  Semicolons (@samp{;}) may be used to separate
>   elementary expressions on the same line.

I saw this paragraph, but it failed to register (through my thick skull) 
that Newline is quite literally \n. Thanks for pointing it out.

Best regards,


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