Joe Conway wrote:

Yes, if I patch RNamedCall.c with the attached (based on your function), everything seems to work.

Sorry -- I managed to mess up that patch. This one should be better.

*** ../../../R-2.5.1/tests/Embedding/RNamedCall.c	Mon Sep  4 07:21:12 2006
--- RNamedCall.c	Fri Jul  6 10:19:46 2007
*** 2,7 ****
--- 2,9 ----
  void bar1() ;
  void source(const char *name);
+ static SEXP MyfindFun(SEXP symb, SEXP envir);
    Creates and evaluates a call 
    to a function giving named arguments
*** 51,58 ****
      SEXP e;
      PROTECT(e = allocVector(LANGSXP, 4));
!     fun = findFun(install("foo"), R_GlobalEnv);
!     if(fun == R_NilValue) {
  	fprintf(stderr, "No definition for function foo. Source foo.R and save the session.\n");
--- 53,60 ----
      SEXP e;
      PROTECT(e = allocVector(LANGSXP, 4));
!     fun = MyfindFun(install("foo"), R_GlobalEnv);
!     if(fun == R_UnboundValue) {
  	fprintf(stderr, "No definition for function foo. Source foo.R and save the session.\n");
*** 80,82 ****
--- 82,104 ----
+ static SEXP
+ MyfindFun(SEXP symb, SEXP envir)
+ {
+     SEXP fun;
+     SEXPTYPE t;
+     fun = findVar(symb,envir);
+     t = TYPEOF(fun);
+     /* eval promise if need be */
+     if (t == PROMSXP){
+         int error=1;
+         fun = R_tryEval(fun,envir,&error);
+         if (error) return R_UnboundValue;
+         t = TYPEOF(fun);
+     }
+     if (t == CLOSXP || t == BUILTINSXP || t == BUILTINSXP || t == SPECIALSXP)
+         return fun;
+     return R_UnboundValue;
+ }
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